Confirmed speakers - Inštitut za športno medicino Maribor 5th International Conference of Sports Medicine


Ron Maughan

Sports nutrition expert, Loughborough University UK

He has spent much of his career working on a range of projects that have attempted to understand the physiological responses to exercise and the nature of fatigue, but has included many digressions along the way. He chairs the Nutrition Working Group of the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee. He is a director of the IOC Diploma programs in Sports Nutrition (since 2004) and Sports Medicine (since 2013).

Jan Ekstrand

Sports epidemiologist, Linköping University, Sweden

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, 1st Vice President of the Medical committee of UEFA and the leader of UEFA injury studies. Also a team physician of the Swedish National Football team for 120 matches.

Susan Shireffs

Sports nutrition expert, Loughborough University UK

Susan Shirreffs has been undertaking research and teaching in the area of exercise physiology and nutrition for more than 20 years. She has published in both peer-reviewed journals and in physiology and nutrition textbooks. After completing her BSc and PhD degrees she worked in academia as a Research Assistant, a Lecturer and then Reader. During this time her research focussed on human hydration. She then gained insight into the commercialisation of sport nutrition when working in Industry.

Anna Hallen

Physical activity and Health Eudcation expert, Linköping University, Sweden

Degree of master of education in Physical activity and Health Eudcation, Degree of Public Health Science, Studying master education in Public Health at Linkoping University. Former eliteplayer in Sweden, working in Football Research Group

doc. dr. Matjaž Vogrin, dr. med.

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Head of Institute of Sports Medicine Maribor

Predstojnik inštituta, prav tako predstojnik oddelka za ortopedijo UKC MB in Katedre za ortopedijo MF UM. Subspecializacijo artroskopske kirurgije in športnih poškodb je opravil v ZDA (Harvard, Boston) in na Švedskem (Stockholm). Je član komisije za zdravstveno varstvo športnikov OKS, zdravnik Olimpijske reprezentance Slovenije in Nogometne reprezentance, vodja zdravstvene službe NK Maribor in Rokometnega kluba Maribor.

Nada Rotovnik Kozjek, M.D.

Sports nutrition expert,KC Ljubljana.

Head of clinical nutrition unit at the University Clinical Centre Ljubljana adn member of National Olympic Committee. Master of Clinical Physiology.

Alan Ivković, M.D.

Orthopaedic Surgen, Specijalna bolnica Sv. Katarina, Zagreb, Croatia

Assistant professor at the Department of Biotechnology University ofRijeka where he teaches regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. He authored numerous scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as numerous chapters in books and encyclopedias. As an International Fulbright Fellow he spent academic year 2007/2008 in the Center for Molecular Orthopaedics at Harvard University in Boston, USA. He is a recipient of numerous domestic and international fellowships and awards. His professional focus is lower extremity reconstructive surgery, as well as bone and cartilage tissue engineering. He is a team leader of the Croatian partner in the international consortium within EU FP7 project BIO-COMET (Bioreactor-based, clinically oriented engineering of tissues). As an official physician of the Croatian Water Polo Federation he participated in 2012 London Olympic Games (gold medalist), European Championships in Zagreb 2010 (gold medal) and World Championships in Melbourne 2007 (gold medalist).

doc. dr. Alan Kacin

Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta

Je docent za področje fizioterapije na Zdravstveni fakulteti UL, kjer poučuje kinezioterapijo mišično-skeletnega sistema. Njegovo ključno področje raziskovanja je proučevanje učinka različnih terapevtskih metod na zmogljivost in morfološke značilnosti skeletne mišice, zlasti po poškodbah spodnjih udov. V svoje raziskovalno delo povezuje znanje s področja fizioterapije, različnih vej medicine ter športnih in gibalnih znanosti. Pri tem tesno sodeluje z raziskovalci z Ortopedske klinike UKC-LJ, Kliničnega inštituta za radiologijo UKC-LJ, Kliničnega oddelka za intenzivno terapijo UKC-LJ, Inštituta za patofiziologijo UL MF, Inštituta za anatomijo UL MF, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough Univeristy UK ter Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at University of Southeren Denmark.

Tomislav Vlahović, dr. med.

Specialist ortoped, Klinika za traumatologiju, KBC Sestre milosrdnice

Matej Bernhardt, dr. med.

Specialist kardiolog, UKC Maribor

Vodja delovne skupine za športno kardiologijo in testiranje zmogljivosti na IŠM. Sicer kot internist-kardiolog zaposlen v UKC Maribor, kjer se posveča predvsem s srčnim popuščanjem, aritmijami in hipertenzijo.

asist. Robi Kelc, dr. med.

Specializant ortopedske kirurgije, UKC Maribor

Vodja zdravniške službe športnih odprav na treh univerzijadah, olimpijskem festivalu, tudi zdravnik reprezentance v dvoranskem nogometu. Izobraževal se je v Nemčiji, Švici in Avstriji. Intenzivno se ukvarja z raziskovanjem problematike mišičnih poškodb, o čemer je predaval na pomembnih konferencah v New Yorku, Rimu, Kuala Lumpurju, Amsterdamu, itd.

Matej Ipavec

Fizioterapevt, IŠM Maribor

Vodja fizioterapevtske dejavnosti na IŠM. V preteklosti udeleženec OI London 2012, Mediteranskih iger Mersin 2013 in OI Soči 2014. Intenzivno se ukvarja z poškodbami mehkih tkiv. Sodeluje z mnogimi vrhunskimi športniki, Olimpijskim komitejem Slovenije in raznimi Slovenskimi reprezentancami.

Ksenija Ekart

Svetovalka za športno prehrano

Vodja oddelka za prehrano in dietetiko v UKC Maribor. Tudi predavateljica na VSŠ IC Maribor Piramida, v preteklosti tudi vodja kakovosti v različnih podjetjih prehrambene industrije.